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 A Letter from the Executive Director

​​We have spent the last few years building a strong foundation for biomedical and clinical research. We are now witnessing the dawn of new era where we will focus on few strategic health priorities to respond to national challenges and priorities. 

We are repositioning ourselves to ensure a greater success and to cope with the fast evolving and complex biomedical research field. Our model will consist of setting up large, multidisciplinary and diverse team functioning as a single unit, utilizing everyone’s strengths in a strategic, cohesive, synergistic fashion which will be the way forward to advance Research & Development agenda. 

That is the model we are implementing at King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, where we have brought basic, translational, and clinical research as well as Biotechnology development together under one roof. This is the 21st century model for success in biomedical research. Our disease area of interest will be narrow but focused, and our technological resources are broad and state of the art. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the well beings of Saudi citizens and to contribute to the global biomedical and health research agenda towards building a stronger personalized and precision medicine yet following an innovative approach and adopting a bold model to achieve it. 

In the history of science, a few individual scientists working on their own made important discoveries. They were the breakaway riders. But the world is changing. Collaboration, cooperation, and shared insights are the keys to success. At KAIMRC, we are betting on our research and development integrated model to overtake fragmented research initiatives and win the race for the cure. 

Ahmed Alaskar, MD, FACP, FRCPC

Executive Director, KAIMRC