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 Research Proposal Submission System

The study proposal submission at KAIMRC is being done through the e-submission system ( where every study team member should have a unique account in order to use it; The submission process goes through systematic and standardized pathway where it starts from writing the study proposal & ends with IRB approval, during this process the proposal will be checked for its feasibility, plagiarism and also for scientific & ethical validity moreover, study proposals will be assessed against the declared KAIMRC priorities, the study proposal typically goes with 5 major steps :

  1. Screening (checking for duplication and assigning sequence number)
  2. Preliminary evaluation (checking for completeness, quality, plagiarism)
  3. Peer review (evaluation from a peer reviewer expert in the research field)
  4. Research Committee review (RC reviews the proposal from scientific point of view)
  5. IRB review (IRB reviews the proposal from ethical point of view)
The proposal processing and all needed information along with the necessary documents are existed in APP 1419-05 “Research Proposal Submission,Processing & Approval” & the appeal process for any of the committees decisions are described in APP 1432-04 “Appeal Process For Rejected ResearchProposal Or Suspended Ongoing Research Study”.
Please email: KAIMRC-PPDU@MNGHA.MED.SAPPDU@KAIMRC.EDU.SA or contact RO Helpdesk at ext.: 94420 for all proposal-related inquiries.