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 Research Performance and Outcome Department (RPO)

Research Performance and Outcome Department (RPO) is responsible for performance management through planning, monitoring, developing, rating, and rewarding research productivity in KAIMRC. The department provides continuous feedback and communication between researchers, departments, and stakeholders to ensure achieving the strategic objectives of KAIMRC.

The department contributes in achieving the optimum level of research activities and productivity through efficient utilization of available resources and workforce.

The department functions through the following offices: Post-Award Monitoring Office, Extramural Grant Management Office, Publication Office, and Research Management System (RMS) Office.

  • To develop research performance indicators.
  • To achieve robustness to research compliance through:
    • ​Monitoring research productivity.
    • Enforcing research contract terms and related policies.​
  • To enhance research performance through:
    • Displaying research outcomesز
    • Providing recommendations for decision-making.​
  • To preserve KAIMRC's reputation among external funders.
  • To improve institution research outcomes ranking globally.

Research Outcome Evaluation (Post-Award Monitoring Office)

The unit is responsible for monitoring the progress of KAIMRC funded research projects and evaluating all research outcomes at KAIMRC, KSAU-HS, and MNGHA. The unit is in charge of informing decisions of extending, closing, and terminating research projects.

Science and Technology (Extramural Grant Management Office)

The unit works in liaison between external funders and researchers at KAIMRC, KSAU-HS, and MNGHA. The unit is in charge of managing administrative, technical, and financial activities of externally funded research projects.

Publication Office

The Publication Office is responsible for tracking all published articles affiliated to KAIMRC, KSAU-HS, and MNGHA. The office produces an Annual Scientific Publication Book that contains all published articles affiliated to KAIMRC, KSAU-HS, and MNGHA. This office also provides editing services for publishing purposes.

Research Management System (RMS) Office

This office is responsible for managing and operating RMS by providing functional requirements, training users, and continually updating the system. The RMS is an electronic system to digitalize and regulate research projects processing and workflows, including preserving records and documents.



Research Performance and Outcome Department :

Research Outcome Evaluation Unit:

Science and Technology Unit:

Publication Office:

Extension: 94368​